Slip Tips

Read these 5 Slip Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Doll Making tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Do I need to strain the slip everytime I use it?

Preparing Slip To Use

When preparing to pour your molds, swish the container of slip in a circle. The helps remove air bubbles and blends the color.

What do I do with frozen slip?

Slip Freezing

Slip should not be allowed to freeze. Years ago freight companies could guarantee that the slip shipment would be protected from freezing, this is not the case today and companies have found it is best to check slip supplies before winter months. You must also think how the the slip is being shipped as there is a change for a early freeze and a late freeze, so give yourself time for the slip to get to you before the cold weather sets in.


old slip

You can use old slip, but it will take some work you will have to thin the slip with slip thinner, and get a creamy slip. The only problem is once the slip is thinned it has to be poured all in one day as you cannot go back and work the slip another day.


old slip

You can use old slip, but it will take some work you will have to thin the slip with slip thinner, and get a creamy slip. The only problem is once the slip is thinned it has to be poured all in one day as you cannot go back and work the slip another day.

Can I use slip right out of the jug?

Preparing Slip To Use

When you first open a container of slip or after it has been setting for a while, it separates and becomes watery on the edges and thick in the middle. Straining will break up air bubbles, help remove foreign matter, and will help get the slip back to the creamy consistency it should be.

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Lynda Moultry